Clan Makeup

About Malcolm (Gwydyon / Iron Bear)~ Clan Guardian





y background is wide ranging from Hermetic/Qabalistic lodge work as taught by my Father, to Alexandrian Wicca into which I was initiated  and other practices which I am experienced in.  Although I am semi retired due to injuries, I am a Practising Counsellor / Therapist. I specialize in D/s; BDSM; Wicca / Paganism / Occult (all usually in matters of Stress and Abuse) as well as PTSD and Armed Conflict Solutions.

 I have been an initiated 3rd Degree Wiccan (High Priest) since 1974. The late Simon Goodman and Lady Helen asked Malcolm to take up the mantle of High Priest of the original Coven in Perth, Western Australia in the early 1973.  Later, I met and married my second wife Lady Tanith who he initiated and trained as a Wiccan High Priestess. Together we formed the Coven of Lothlorien in Bassendean, Perth, Western Australia. Lothlorien was the “Open House” for Perth Wiccans and became the feeder for several covens most of who were Daughter Covens.

In early 1988 I resigned from the coven and taking a sabbatical commenced to make the spiritual and temporal preparations for the founding of the Clan O’Sliabh. This is a Wiccan based group with 5 Degrees of initiation all being part ceremonial and part shamanic of Irish Celtic orientation. After the filming and attending the TV Film “The Occult Experience” in Sydney, both Lady Tanith and I attended the Wicca 88 Conference in Canberra. Some time after this, Tanith and I separated and divorced.

I remarried and in 1992 moved to Queensland with my wife. During this time after arriving in the Sunshine State, he was kept relatively inactive due to a heavy workload and a child. After Vanessa and I divorced, I commenced the rewrite of my original Book of Shadows and reorganized it into Four Books, each containing three sectors. Each of the four books being orientated to the elements, thus the Codicis ex Veneficium (Books of Sorcery) were created. At the time of writing, I am rewriting these books in a calligraphy format of a similar style to the Book of Kells and using the Irish decorative techniques of morphic patterns and knot work.

With my current wife, I have re-activated the Clan O’Sliabh and founded Pagan Ministries. Both Malcolm and Anita are proud owners of a male Alaskan Malamute (Storm) and a female Siberian Husky/Alaskan Malamute cross (Aroha aka RaRa).


The Clan Hierarchy


Officer: The Guardian

Duties: Leader of the Clan, Teacher and Ritualist


Officer: The Matriarch

Duties: Working partner of the Guardian and Supervisor of the Grove


Officer: The Priestess

Duties: Female in charge of any specific ritual being undertaken


Officer: The Priest

Duties: Male in charge of any specific ritual being undertaken


Officer: The Maiden

Duties: Assistant to the matriarch on a daily basis and Assistant to the Priestess in ritual


Officer: The Keeper

Duties: Guards the entrance to the grove and deals with all Clan Security



Prior to being considered for membership in the Clan O’Sliabh, you will be required to attend a Clan Outer Court. The object of an Outer court is to allow people who have an interest in Paganism generally to gain some first hand information on how a Pagan group or Wiccan Coven may operate, what we do. On the following page the current (in applicable) details and schedules are set out for you to peruse.

Please understand Clan O'Sliabh does have a minimum age entry of  20. Those who desire to be considered for membership, will be required to show proof of identity when being interviewed prior attending the required Information Discussions

We do not accept Applications for Membership from folks who do not live within a reasonable proximity to us in S/E Queensland, for practical purposes.

We will make every attempt to reply to your enquiry as soon as possible and as fully as is possible. We do ask that you supply the preferred method of contacting you including your return email address, or Phone Number if you prefer. However we do not make International or STD Phone Calls for financial reasons. To make your enquiries easier, we have provided a question form which we encourage you to copy and past to a word page then complete the form and add additional information or questions as necessary then email it to Gwydyon at






   PHONE NUMBER  (Optional)

   PHONE NUMBER  (Optional)




The labels marked  *  are required information.


Secrecy Statement:

All personal information is confidential and stored in a secure place not attached to any computer. I do not give, share or sell any personal information.  

Merry Met,



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